It sure has been awhile since I sat down and thought I should post a few thoughts...
This summer has been interesting... My "plans" (or the things I said I wanted to do) didn't really get to happen.
Summer is always busy - mowing, gardening, work, etc etc...
Not much time riding - my daughter and I had said we would do a weekly haul to the local arena and ride the young ones, but not once did that happen.
What happened was my father took a turn, and went to the hospital and then nursing home. He has now left us and is in his heavenly home awaiting us. I spent alot of time with my mother during this period of time. Driving her to whichever facility he was at, and then trying to work on final arrangements and details. That is still ongoing, not sure how long all that will take!
The usual summer events, like 4-H Achievement Days with my club, local team roping events where I was the 'little cowboy wrangler' and a few other summer type activities still went on and got through.
Weaving took a back seat, good thing I was working on denim rugs. They are kind of no brainer rugs... Just weave until the length I want is achieved and start another one!
Here are a dozen finished rugs that are right at 2 x 3 foot. My most popular size in denim. Good thing I've got these done as I have a show this weekend, and another in 3 weeks.
Also have restocked some tablerunners, especially the patriotic ones.
I was struggling with the camera and the editing function on the computer, but decided it is what it is and left them with all the mess surrounding :)
Update on the yearling babies. Not so babyish anymore. They are in an awkward stage.
JH RumbleBee barn name Hemi at about 14 months. We haven't been supplement feeding them, this is just on the available graze in our oddball spots that we throw up an electric fence. They've put a little extra cover on since these pictures, but we think we need to start giving them a little grain before winter. They are currently full of cockleburrs that are a never ending battle in these random spots. This picture was immediately after a hoof trim. These guys are doing great considering the minimal handling we've been able to give them.

JH Lil Cricket Bug barn name Cricket at about 14 months. She is just a bit shorter than her brother and she's a bit finer boned, too. Her mother is a twin, so I'm not surprised that she is a bit smaller. That saying, these two are pretty close to being as tall as their mothers... They are being baby sat by their great aunt Queenie who is 23ish? The mare moms are at the stud pasture - soon to be picked up and brought home. Hoping for two more nice colts just like these next spring.
All for now,