Saturday, April 28, 2012

Newest fave

It's been awhile since a purse came together for me as easy as this one did.

I really like the overall effect of this one.

On to warping tonite.   I've finished up the last of the purses in process and my looms are naked and I have a month until my one and only show of the summer.

I've suddenly become aware that my procrastination is going to bite me in the butt.

I've got graduation x 2 next weekend.

A trip to Arizona.

Product to produce this month.

And oh goody, I get to try and do it around the work schedule that I find non conducive to productivity.

The shed saga continues!

Shed went over in the wind again. 
 Not sure when it was exactly because of not really knowing what day it is. 
It either was yesterday or the day before.
This time I heard it go over! 

I got a chuckle this morning.
The girls are in their usual positions... Kinda.

Buzz is the one that always gets to stand out in the rain.

Today it is ALL of them :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Weaving Weekend

Or at least it was Weaving Day for me :)

I could only swing one day- 
What did I see there?

Wunder Weaver loom

An inkle loom

Structo metal 8 harness

A couple of rigid headle looms

Multiple spinning wheels

Bunches of yummy handspun

This wonderfully beautiful bobbin/pirn winder

And my own finished scarf project from my recycled yarns.

Too bad on the way home I didn't see the deer~

 that did this to my car...

All for now~

A very disgusted Julie....

Monday, April 16, 2012

2nd Attempt

Woke up bright and early this morning.

Not really a good thing seeing I work until 4 AM tonite...

Anyhoo~  tried again for pictures.  Still not very happy with them, but I guess at this point...

Bag made from some manufacturers waste that I got from a coworker.  She found it while cleaning out her mothers place.  The body of the purse is a leather look vinyl and the fringe is pillow fringe that apparently was discontinued or something.  Got a huge roll of the stuff :)  Salvaged purse handles from Salvation Army and voila!

Another bag - this time denim with a black fringe.  Salvaged decorations from who knows where and a black tooled leather belt for a handle.

I've got one more in the works - The design is figured out, just need to put it all together.  Pics soon, I hope!

All for now.  I really need to try for a nap.


Sunday, April 15, 2012


I tried to take pics -

Of the cat perched on top of the structo/rugs/assorted stuff waiting to go to weaving weekend...

Of a purse I made...

Of the weather...

Dang camera.  I can't seem to get a decent photo to save my soul.

It's time for the second hand 15 year old camera I got for free to go away.

It's been one of those weeks.

Issues at work with newish co workers and the extended stay at night shift.

Issues with the ex.

Issues with the weather.

Major issue with my lack of motivation.

Can't seem to get enough done!  Bare minimum is happening here.

And that has got to change.

Now to figure out just how to do that....

Monday, April 2, 2012

A little bit warped

Why is it when I have stuff I NEED to do, I come down with the procrastination bug?

I should be organizing my basement so the carpenter can come.

I should be outside in this awesome weather - planting trees, planning a garden, cleaning up piles.

God forbid I would spend some time with my horses!

Instead this weekend I pretty much was a slug.  Friday came and went other than making the kitchen area a little less cringe worthy.  There are still dishes in the sink.  Why do I hate washing dishes?

Saturday~ another wasted type day.  Can't figure out what exactly I did do....

Finally Sunday I managed to emerge from the stupor and do a little moving.

I worked thru a pile of black denim jeans and a few colored denim jeans.  Those are now in their appropriate totes and the waste is gone with the garbage man.

And I warped.  A little.

First I warped up the Structo for a scarf.

I used some salvaged yarns that I've been plying on my drop spindle.   It's a very light springy green color that might be a little tough to get a good picture of.  Especially with the lousy lighting that I seem to have available.

I actually started warping the Newcomb!  This beam came loaded so I'm stuck with the black and white.  We'll see what I can get figured out with this inaugural warp :)

For some reason I was thinking that this coming weekend was the fiber guild's weaving weekend. 


Not for two weeks yet! 

I guess the Stucto is ready early.  Guess I didn't procrastinate this time :)

All for now,  JULIE