Monday, December 13, 2010

Pony pictures....

Yesterday I grabbed the camera to catch a photo of the bunny prints and ended up taking some pics of the girls.  A little cold for my fingers, but couldn't resist them. 
Here is Buzz - looking for acceptance and affection from her auntie Queenie. 
Miss Buzz is at the bottom of the herd here.  I think she's my favorite 'cause we have some things in common.  We both tend to get shoved aside and are looking for someone to love them :o)

Here is sister Flutterby - looking as if she is out in the wide prairie.
  Actually - we're about a 1/4 of a mile from a public golf course....

And enough of the chattin'...
Back to the hay.

1 comment:

Darlene said...

I like that picture of Flutterby looking out over the wide open prairies. I learned to love the prairies when I lived in SD, but now that I live in the northwoods, I like the trees, too! But there are times that I do miss being able to see for miles. Not to mention those gorgeous dawns and sunsets!

I know what you mean about getting shoved aside. One thing I've learned is that you need to love yourself so that you want to take care of yourself better. Then you expect others to treat you better too.

You do such beautiful work. Have you tried working with interior designers? I found a website for a gal in NY who does custom work; here are her prices:

I'm glad to see people who are getting away from charging those Depression-era prices for handwoven rugs. There's still too many of them out there, but it looks like more artists are developing some self-respect!