Sunday, March 26, 2017

Denim, Denim, and more Denim!

 I've been slogging away at building up my denim inventory.  And use up some of the huge stash of denim jeans...  Just took off a roll of hemmed edge rugs - will get these hemmed up sometime this week.

In the background of this picture, you see a pile of denim and a 'mental health' rug.  I get bored with denim after a bit, and so I have to do something different - That one on top is a flannel shirt, and old blanket bits that seemed to work together.  Using up stash!   :)

 Here's my next 'mental health' rug.  Corduroy!  Went with 4 different blues -  navy, dusty, lavenderish, and a light teal.  Then I threw in a tan neutral.  This one will be fun!

I'm doing stripes - 8 shots of weft for each color and then repeat.  I think it's cute.  Decided this one would be 'busy' enough so I did a hemmed end - something I do rarely.  I don't know, I think my preference is fringes, so I just don't think of doing the hems, until I remind myself that some of my customers prefer hems!

House update.  I'm talking with a couple, trying to come up with a way for me to get what I need for the house, and a way for them to get into it! 

I spend my days rehabbing my hamstring repair, selling personal belongings in preparation of moving from a 5 bedroom house into a bedroom, and weaving.  Sometimes I feel positively lazy....

All for now,  JULIE

Monday, March 13, 2017

Retired.... or not?

For the last weeks, when people ask what I'm doing, I've been saying I'm retired.

That's because I QUIT MY JOB.



My employer just wouldn't work with me on my rehab and reentry into physical labor.  They insisted on misinterpreting my doctors orders for limitations. 

So I quit.

I don't need to physically re injure myself just for them!

Consequently, I now have time to do some weaving.

The wider ones are some I just finished up.  The narrow one is a holdover to fulfill a request from long ago.

I am still restricted a bit by my physical limitations.  Can't handle long weaving sessions, but I'm building up tolerance.

I keep busy with the rest of my day doing exercises and rehab, as well as slowly selling off household items. 

I don't want to jinx the process, but someone is attempting to get financing on my house...  cross your fingers, say a prayer, think positive thoughts if you are so inclined!

Of course I have a few stresses that I try not to think about.  Along with the not employed comes not insured.  My state has only 2 choices for health insurance.  Each of them is tied to a hospital group.  Neither takes the other insurance.  One isn't sold in the county I am going to be living in, so yup, only one choice.  And that choice would cost me 600 - 900 a month.  For just me.   Couldn't do it.  That's why I support the repeal....  Something has GOT to change.

Good thing is. I'm not scared - everything I'm doing is what I need to be doing. 

Onward to the next adventure :)