Sunday, December 19, 2021

A different focus

 Lately I've found I come to internet land less and less.

Maybe could it be because I have found more in the real world to occupy myself, instead of escaping to the internet when I wasn't finding what I needed in the real world?

I have been weaving, not lots, but enough I can still say I'm a self employed weaver.

Fall is usually a slow weaving time as I'm normally going to plenty of events and that takes up alot of my 'free time' that I use to weave.

I did less shows this year, I was choosey and decided on going to quality (my own definition) shows instead of quantity.

This little guy keeps me busy....

Three months old and getting to be quite fun to be around.  He has become a smiley baby after finally finding a formula that agreed with him, as well as some regular chiropractic visits.

Time is coming quickly where a day care will finally have openings. For now, gramma (me) and dad have been juggling our schedules to take care of this little guy while mom is at her job that can't be juggled quite so easily. 

I'm currently weaving on a black, charcoal, gray and white warp.  Mostly black denim, but some other rugs, too.

I'm quite short on tablerunners... so that is also going on the FairLoom. 

I'm doing Christmas and Fall colors -  seems I can't get the raw materials until it is that time of the year anymore... the thrift shops are putting away tableclothes and bringing them out right before the season, so I guess I'm weaving for next season!

Update on the foals --  Registration papers have been sent in, and we will be sending in color dna tests at the appropriate point in the process.  We have written in grulla, but we will see what the tests show.  The colt (Hemi) is on the left, and the filly (Cricket) is on the right.  Picture angle makes them seem pretty close in size, but the colt is taller and a bit stockier.  This was their first tie up day.  They had been dragging the halters for a bit and son in law says they handled it pretty good.  They have lost some confidence in us when they are loose or we are approaching them, but as soon as they are caught, they are really calm. They both let us handle all four feet and enjoy a good scratch.   

They are very hairy - as you can see it is winter here.  Just yesterday we were forecast to get 2-4 inches, but instead we got 14inches of  light and fluffy snow that came straight down.  Now today it is very windy, so it is rearranging itself :)  Typical South Dakota weather. 

Christmas will have all of my kids and their other halves coming here for time spent together.  Gifts aren't a big thing for us, so no last minute shopping or frantic OMG I forgot moments here.  We aren't doing much special baking either as I am currently on an elimination diet  - No gluten, eggs, dairy, caffeine, alcohol, corn, sugar.   More on that later....

All for now,