Sunday, January 14, 2018

Never give up.

Some days it is a struggle.

For the most part, I still have a positive attitude this will get better.

This path that I'm on this year has been quite the deal...  The MRI showed a pocket of something down by the bone.  I was sent to an infectious disease specialist and between her, the surgeon, and me, we decided to go ahead again with another clean out of the area.

So last week I had revision #4 of the hamstring repair incision.  They attempted to remove all repair materials and cleaned and cleaned and cleaned the area down by the bone and tendon. 

The repair was very solid - good news- but we weren't able to get to all the plugs/metal without undoing the repair. 

Cultures are currently being worked on - including bone samples.  The cultures will be challenged with different antibiotics to see what works against what is in there.  Then most likely I will be on a long term regimen of antibiotics - possibly even IV delivery. 

This go 'round is more uncomfortable.  Bone pain and a new experience - they used staples to close instead of sutures.  I'm still fighting nausea from the pain meds, some swelling,  and am very tired and puny feeling.

At least it's winter - I'm not looking outdoors at green grass and nice weather :)

I'd like to think I will start working on something creative, but I'm not feeling it yet.

My pup Cooper is a good companion, he likes to snuggle...

All for now, JULIE


LA said...

Julie...hang it there, lady!!! Snuggle with Cooper and heal.

Hilary said...

You poor girl.....I feel so bad for you. But I know you are strong.....and you will get through this, and past this........after I had brain surgery, my Roy boy was my constant companion......I called him my nurse. It will get better. Honest.

Sharon said...

You are a fighter. I’m glad you’ve got your pup to warm your heart. I got a kitten after I broke my neck four years ago and called her Nurse Kitty.