Friday, January 11, 2019

Slogging through winter

Winter can be a struggle for me.  That seasonal depression thing.  Also, the older I get, the physical demands of dealing with snow and cold and ice are harder - and more irritating.

The weather has settled finally a little bit and I've made it to the loom more, as well as a visit to friends in my old home town.  That helped the attitude a little :)

I've been weaving colors on my basic dark and light striped warp.

Just a sample!

I'm about halfway done with this warp, so I'm thinking on the next.

An order for rug warp is on the way, and as soon as that arrives I believe I will jump in and work on a full width warp for a customer.  Believe it or not, I have never done that yet!  I'm not sure how many revolutions I will go with yet.  Not sure I want that many high price rugs in my inventory.

I'm also contemplating after that warp to reduce the width of my standard rugs to 12 sections, or 24/25 inches.   I think I will try it.  Less warp, less weft, and a bit less $ per rug.  It will be an experiment. I do have a few that width from a single warp back a couple years and also a few 18 inch wide rugs from the same sort of project.

I've been getting requests for mug rugs.  I probably should try some, but they sure seem piddly!

All for now,

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