Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Playing and Experimenting

I've been playing/experimenting with these bags lately.

Using dog, cat and horse food bags to make these totes.

These two are nice big ones!

After fighting with the  machine tension while sewing on these things, I've started to add denim as a stabilizer in my seams.  There are strips of denim sewn into the seams on the bottom of the bags and also a kind of binding around the top.  I don't try to be too fussy on this, as these are meant to be working bags.

Last touch is handles - and I've used old web belts on these two.  Sometimes I use some more denim.  I think they are gonna make nice sturdy bags to carry some future rugs around...

My shoulder is sore tonite from all the jean ripping I did last night.  Tonight I limited myself to getting the strip sewing started and the set up all ready for tomorrow night.

Unless I don't have the energy to go down there...
 tomorrow is the first full day at work.  Start time 5 AM.  We are working overtime hours, so long days.  10.5 hours  each day. I may be a little tired and sore for the foreseeable future :)

Sooo... Early to bed, early to rise ~  Julie

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